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AP Economics

I'm Jacob Clifford. I've taught AP economics since 2003 and I specialize in making the "dismal science" fun and interesting. I've trained thousands of economics teachers as a College Board Consultant and my YouTube channel has over 70 million views.

AP US History

I'm Dana Zimmer. I'm a classroom teacher, AP exam reader, and an AP History content creator on YouTube. I've helped helped thousands of students from around the world succeed in their class and prepare for their AP exams. 

AP Human Geography

I'm Riley Sinn and I'm a AP Human Geography teacher and AP exam reader from Minnesota. I started making YouTube videos to help my students learn but I soon noticed that my videos were being used by students all over the world. 

AP Government

I'm Carey LaManna and I've taught AP Government and Politics since 2011 and been an AP Reader for 8 years. I've helped thousands of students learn the content and practice the skills they need to succeed in your class and rock the AP exam.​

There's nothing better than a great worksheet

Like you, we're AP teachers that want effective worksheets designed specifically for our AP curriculum. Unfortunately, most worksheets we see are too easy, too boring, or too focused on definitions and content. We want worksheets that focus on applying content and practicing skills. In 2020 we decided to make these ideal worksheets ourselves. We love them, our students love them, and we know that you and your students will love them too.

Advanced Placement (AP®) is a registered trademark of the College Board which was not involved in the production of these resources and does not endorse this website

ACDC Leadership Inc

13463 Calle Colina, Poway CA 92064


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